Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support | TASMA Aviation Training
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If you want to fly high,give up everything that weighs you down...

Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support

Keep your inner sun shining

As a cabin crew member, you are a safety professional with many of the same safety, security, rescue, and medical duties as first responders. As such, you are more vulnerable to acute stress reactions and even post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) than other aviation staff. There can always be incidents on board in which your life or a person in your immediate vicinity is or appears to be directly threatened.

 We are talking about negative experiences such as:

  • Confrontation with aggressive passengers, e.g. air rage
  • Sick or dying passengers
  • Severe turbulences
  • Technical failure of aircraft
  • Critical incidents on the aircraft
  • Aircraft accidents 
  • Loss, friends, and family issues

Your entire organism usually comes under immense stress to ensure its survival. Such stressful events that are out of the ordinary, need your special attention. TASMA® Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support offers you a special «First Aid» programme to prevent high levels of stress, anxiety, and trauma (PTSD).

Gain back your trust, serenity, and life energy

TASMA® cabin crew critical incident support stands for a gentle way of working that understands stress, anxiety and trauma in its complexity and perceives the symptoms and dynamics. It ensures security and better integration of the experience. In our work, resource-oriented, holistic support with bottom-up and top-down approaches is very important.

The so-called «triggers» can be revealed and processed with a simple muscle test and with highly efficient and scientifically based short-term coaching and psychological tools, that allow us to prevent and dissolve stress, anxiety and trauma more effectively and sustainably.

The effect of mind-body interventions

Bottom-up approaches start from the body and also bring about a change in feelings and cognition through bodywork, such as trauma-sensitive yoga. Here you can learn how to stabilise and regulate yourself.

Top-down approaches change your mindset and thus influence your feelings and body reactions.
Psychoeducation is also included here. Knowing more about the background of stress, anxiety, and trauma can help you to understand and classify things better. This gives you increased confidence and greater trust.

Register now for a free information consultation

Please note: TASMA® Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support is not psychotherapy and cannot replace it. Our work is based on findings and knowledge from the latest status of psychotraumatology and research from the Trauma Research Foundation, Boston/USA. We offer a high level of experience in the field of trauma work and burnout prevention for more than 16 years.

  • Information
  • Target audience
  • Programme and process
  • Participation fee & services

Content and methods that can be part of your TASMA® Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support

  • Assessment of the current situationCabin Crew Critical Incident CISM in Switzerland
  • Stabilisation and affect regulation
  • Resilience work - increase your stress resilience
  • «First Aid» to prevent stress, anxiety, and trauma (PTSD) after a critical incident/accident
  • TASMA-testing - finding the causes of stress
  • EMDR in coaching
  • Regulation of PSI (Performance Stress Imprintings) - processing stress, anxiety, and trauma
  • Psychoeducation - learn more about your brain and body function
  • Hypnosis for Trauma and PTSD
  • Mindfulness, TSY® Yoga, and Breathwork
  • Analysing and regulating physical stress (such as sleep problems, body pain, etc.)
  • IFS - Internal Family System
  • Regulating stress and anxiety with various techniques
  • Learning effective self-help methods - activate personal resources
  • Gain confidence in yourself and in working on the aircraft again
  • Self-confidence coaching
  • Stress management and burnout prevention work
  • Resource-oriented coaching to enhance your abilities again
  • Support in difficult and turbulent phases of life
  • Energetic Psychology (Tapping acupressure)
  • Sound and music coaching
  • TASMA mental coaching/training - different short-term coaching methods
  • Solution-oriented coaching - developing your personal strategies to achieve your life goals again

This support is only available at the TASMA Aviation Training Centre in Bern-Belp (Switzerland) or on-site on request

Duration of a coaching session: The number and duration of the cabin crew critical incident support sessions are strongly dependent on the topic being worked on. In most cases, 3–6 sessions are ideal to achieve a lasting change. The sessions have no fixed schedule, as it is always adapted to the needs of the individual. The content and process of the support session can be discussed in a free online information call.

Language: English, German, or Dutch.

Number of participants:
One person with individual supervision.

Venue: TASMA Aviation Training – c/o Tasma Life Balance (at the Campagne Oberried), Seftigenstrasse 118, 3123 Berne-Belp, Switzerland. Other location and on-site support on request.

Target audience

  • Cabin Crew
  • Airline Staff

TASMA® Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support - Programme

Our critical incident support does not have a set process as it is always adapted to the needs of the individual.
We usually start the support like this:

Step 1: Initial session (getting to know each other, anamnesis, discussion of topics, planning of your support)
Step 2: Start the collaboration
Step 3: Individual cabin crew critical incident support according to your specific needs

The content and process of the coaching can be discussed in a free telephone consultation.

Please note: TASMA® Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support is not psychotherapy and cannot replace it. The prerequisite for clients/customers is normal psychological and physical resilience. In the case of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the individual sessions can be carried out in collaboration with a PTSD specialist (doctor or psychiatrist).

Participation fee & services TASMA® Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support

Price for critical incident support: CHF 150.– per person / 60 minutes, including:

  • A free online information call
  • Individual face-to-face support
  • Working documents and exercises
  • Catering (water, coffee or tea)

Prices for on-site support on request.

Request an offer

What does the health insurance company cover?

TASMA® Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support is currently not included in the service catalog of the basic or supplementary insurance. For Trauma-Sensitive Yoga TSY® and mental coaching/training some health insurance companies allow you to cover the cost through additional insurance. It's best to contact your health insurance company directly.

Ready for your Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support?

Sign up for your personal TASMA® Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support at our training location in Bern-Belp, Switzerland.
All appointments are arranged individually.

Current dates and prices - Cabin Crew Critical Incident Support

Below you will find the current dates and prices for this event.

Date Location Price  
Individual Coaching
Appointment by arrangement
Bern-Belp 150,00 CHF/Hour book now

Any Questions? - We are happy to support you!

In case you have any questions or would like further information, please feel free to contact us.

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